Sunday, 28 March 2010


On Friday there was a sudden downpour just after we had got back from school pick up. The small beans were outside playing with my godson (who spends so much time with us he is almost a bean) and they got very excited when they spotted an amazing rainbow. Actually, there were two, one very bright and another much paler one above it. They got bored of them long before me but I watched them until they had faded and gone.

They reminded me of the wonderful book by Jan Pienkowski- The First Christmas. Wrong season but all silhouettes and beautiful colour backgrounds just like this.

Then on Saturday we went for a walk in Thetford Forest. Usually, the Beans are very good at Spotting. However, no deer, rabbits, foxes or even smaller interesting beasties were spied this time but I did take some photos of tree alleys. I particularly liked this coniferous alley with a dead deciduous something right in the centre.

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