Since last September our house has been a bit messy and cluttered. ('What's new?' I hear BigBean shout. 'I can't see any difference.') Things out of place, piled up and hard to find. This is because of the lovely new loft conversion which is oh-so-nearly finished. Stuff had to be moved so new stairs could be fitted, rugs are rolled and numerous pictures taken off the walls and balanced precariously in piles in daft places because there wasn't anywhere else to put them at the time.
I am itching to get everything back to normal but it is a slow process. And in this process I have lost something Very Important. My camera-to-computer lead. It's vanished. Gone. Missing. AWOL. So I can't download (upload?) any photos for anything.
I have searched in the usual places- under the stairs, by the not quite so broken other computer, by the fruit bowl, in the in-basket and under the pew. I have searched in the not so usual places-
in the fruit bowl
, behind cushions, in my jewellery stash and in with the Beans puzzles and games. But no. It is not anywhere.
I have some new necklaces that I want on my website. I am desperately on the verge of getting a Folksy shop going. I want photos printed out for Grandpa's birthday. I want to do a ta-dah about the New Room. But I can't.
I know I can use the card thingy in the camera but this doesn't fill me with confidence. I know that as soon as I buy another lead, the old one will walk down the stairs with a smug look on its face and sneer at me. I know that I am an untidy person and this will not teach me a lesson.